Unfortunately, many men, especially with aging, face the problem of poor erection quality. Quite often, this happens due to impotence-causing medicines. With certain diagnosis, patients have to take them, thus risking their sexual health.

Below we will list some commonly used impotence-causing medicines which can trigger the onset of erectile dysfunction. At the same time, please mind that impotence occurs in a minor percentage of patients.

List of impotence-causing medicines

Let us divide the drugs in groups:

  • medicines for the treatment of arterial hypertension, diuretic drugs, centrally acting antihypertensives, α-blockers, β-blockers
  • drugs for the treatment of dyslipidemia (high triglycerides / cholesterol)
  • certain medications to treat heart failure
  • drugs for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases, including lithium salts, haloperidol, chlorpromazine and barbiturates
  • medicines for the treatment of prostatic and endocrinological diseases, corticosteroids
  • certain drugs for gastroenterological diseases
  • drugs for the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the osteo-articular system

In particular, such impotence-causing medicines can alter both the function of the hypothalamus-pituitary system and testicular steroidogenesis. Also, they can act by antagonizing the peripheral action of androgens. In any case, better see a doctor who may possibly prescribe you an alternative therapy.

Other risk factors for men

Besides the listed drug groups, mind other potentially harmful substances. For example, men may obtain erectile dysfunction due to drug (cannabis, cocaine, LSD etc.) abuse. In addition, drinking too much alcohol and smoking cigarettes can also aggravate the disorder. Moreover, alcohol abuse often leads to decreased libido and premature ejaculation.

impotence-causing medicines