The choice of a proper individual Viagra dosage will guarantee you successful treatment of erectile dysfunction. Even if you intend to use the blue pills for fun, the dose of Viagra will affect its action. For most men taking Sildenafil as a recreational drug, the smallest 25 mg Viagra dose will be quite enough. Still, many prefer to buy 100 mg tablets which provide the most powerful sensations during sex and orgasm. However, older men should not start the course of treatment with 50-100 mg pills because of potential risk of severe side effects and consequences. Later, if the body tolerates the minimum Viagra dosage well, you may increase the dose. The same advice may concern patients with certain chronic diseases. Particularly, in concerns men who suffer from serious liver, kidney and heart diseases. They should take Sildenafil-based drugs carefully, or not take them at all.

How to choose proper dose

Although you might think that individual Viagra dosage is easy to choose, that is true only for totally healthy young men. On the other hand, according to doctors, the majority can start with 50 mg Sildenafil pills. You are healthy, have no serious chronic diseases, and do not take other medications? Then, feel free to use Viagra at a dosage of 50-100 mg. Depending on side effects and on the effect of the drug itself, you may reduce or increase Viagra dosage. However, never take more than 100 mg per day. The most common Viagra dosages are 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg. But certain Sildenafil based medicines are available in other doses, too.

When choosing the most suitable Viagra dosage, consider all the points. For example, mind that certain medicines include additional ingredients, so a tablet may weigh more. Particularly, Extra Super Viagra 200 mg includes 100 mg of Sildenafil and 100 mg of Dapoxetine which effectively copes with premature ejaculation.

Another important thing is to consider other medications and even supplements you are taking. For example, your personal Viagra dosage should not exceed 25 mg per two days if you have to take Norvir (Ritonavir), one of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme inhibitors or any alpha-blockers. A choice of Viagra dosage is extremely important for patients with contraindications and chronic diseases, such as cirrhosis or any other severe liver or kidney condition. Unfortunately, some of these illnesses make it impossible to take Sildenafil because of great risks.